Sotos Syndrome Australasia

The Sotos Syndrome Australasia (Inc.) is a non-profit organisation that provides advocacy for Sotos Syndrome in Australasia. The Association aims to connect and provide support for families, carers and individuals affected by Sotos Syndrome, while endeavouring to increase awareness, understanding and acceptance of Sotos Syndrome within the medical community, education sector and general community. 

What is Sotos Syndrome?

Sotos syndrome is a genetic condition causing physical overgrowth during the first years of life. Children with Sotos syndrome are often taller, heavier, and have larger heads than their peers.

Support Available

There are a variety of supports available to assist people living with Sotos Syndrome to live independently, find employment and connect with other people or families affected by Sotos Syndrome.

Get Involved

Would you like to be involved with Sotos Syndrome Australasia? Become a member and help raise funds and awareness to support people affected by Sotos Syndrome.

Help raise funds and awareness for Sotos Syndrome.